888 Is Cutting Ties With SI and Exploring Sale of US B2C Operation
As Competition Gets More Intense, Numbers Aren’t Adding Up for 888 and They’re Considering Some Big Changes

Time for Change
It seems like 888 is doing some serious soul-searching, or more accurately, some bank account-searching. The betting giant is having a bit of a rethink about its US operations. Apparently, the numbers just aren’t adding up in their favor, and when you’re playing with billions, every digit counts, right?
They’re considering selling off parts of their US business. You heard that right, they might just be packing up their betting bags and saying, “Adios, America!” But hey, don’t worry, it’s all part of a “strategic review.” Translation: they’re looking for a way to make more cash and fewer headaches.
Big Impact for US online poker incoming.
888 “announces a strategic review of its US B2C operations.”
“will consider all potential alternatives that can deliver value for the business” including “controlled exit of US B2C operations” pic.twitter.com/XRdvoUg4xi
— Nick Jones (@pokerprojones) March 6, 2024
Parting Ways with Sports Illustrated: A Million-Dollar Split
Oh, and speaking of headaches, they’ve also decided to part ways with Sports Illustrated. Yep, that’s the same SI you used to read for the articles… right. Anyway, they teamed up with SI back in 2021 to get folks excited about betting. But turns out, even with all those glossy magazine covers, it wasn’t quite hitting the jackpot.
Now, before you start feeling too sorry for them, remember, they’re not exactly hurting for cash. They even agreed to fork over $25 million in cash to SI, with another $25 million promised down the road. And all this just to call it quits. Must be nice to have money to burn, huh?
888 ends Sports Illustrated deal as intense US competition sparks review https://t.co/kcctQI6xFX pic.twitter.com/4nrxUOE1K8
— Reuters (@Reuters) March 6, 2024
But hey, it’s not all doom and gloom. They’re still keeping their B2B operations in the US. You know, just in case they decide they miss us too much. And who knows, maybe they’ll come crawling back once they realize the grass isn’t always greener on the other side.
As for why they’re bailing on the US market, well, it’s all about the bottom line. Apparently, they’re not raking in the dough like they used to. Something about fierce competition and sky-high operating costs. But hey, when you’re playing with the big boys, you gotta be prepared to take a hit or two, am I right?
Rethinking the Game Plan
And get this, they’re not just tightening their belts in the US. Nope, they’re making cuts across the board. Redundancies, cost-saving programs, you name it. It’s like they’re on a mission to trim the fat, or maybe just beef up their bank accounts.
Hey, who can blame them? In this dog-eat-dog world of betting, you gotta do whatever it takes to stay ahead of the game.
But hey, it’s not all bad betting news. They’re still feeling pretty positive about the future. They’ve got their eyes set on bigger and better things, like boosting revenue and pleasing shareholders. And with a new CEO at the helm, along with a fresh lineup of execs, they’re ready to tackle whatever comes their way.
So, who knows? Maybe this whole shake-up will turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Or maybe it’ll just be another chapter in the wild world of sports betting. Either way, one thing’s for sure: it’s never a dull moment in this industry.
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